Shareholders of People-Analytix AG complete sale of all shares to Learning Pool Ltd.
Niederer Kraft Frey advised the shareholders of People-Analytix AG on the sale of all shares in People-Analytix AG to Learning Pool Ltd.
People-Analytix is a pioneer in AI-powered skills technology. It offers a skill management platform that uses artificial intelligence to identify competence gaps within organizations and predict the skills required in the future. People-Analytix is a spin-off of x28, Integration Alpha and peopleWORKS.
Leaning Pool is a leading provider of learning technology and content in Northern America and Western Europe, proudly serving 20 global enterprises out of the Fortune 100.
The NKF team was led by Corporate/M&A partner Philip Spoerlé working with partner Andrea Giger (Corporate/M&A), senior associate Katalin Siklosi and associate Benedikt Hadorn (both M&A/Corporate) as well as partners Markus Kronauer (Tax) and Nicolas Birkhäuser (Antitrust/Competition) and senior associate Livia Keller (Employment).