The latest insights from experts at Niederer Kraft Frey.
Entwicklungen des Schweizer Kartellrechts im internationalen Kontext
Relative Marktmacht im ersten Entscheid der Wettbewerbskommission (WEKO) verneint, 2024
Besprechung von BGer, 4A_350/2023, 21.11.2023
KI-Regulierung und rechtliche Auswirkungen im Fokus
Notice of Termination (Switzerland)
Fixed-Term Contracts (Switzerland)
Pitfalls in carveouts in tech transactions
Unternehmerinsolvenz aus Sicht des Bauherrn (Fokus GP + TU Modell)
The Benefit of the Neutral Forum – Exploring the Attraction of Switzerland, Hong Kong and Singapore ...
Relative Marktmacht am Beispiel des ersten Falls der Wettbewerbskommission WEKO / Marktbeherrschung (R...
Les secrets d’affaires, une mosaïque à synthétiser
Start-Up Board — Back to Basics
Amendment to the Swiss Telecommunications Surveillance Laws Application Scope: Opening of Public Consu...
The EU AI Act Enters into Force: Implications for Swiss Companies
Competition Commission (COMCO) rules for the first time in a case on relative market power – COMCO d...
Financial Market Infrastructure Act: Implications for listed Companies, their Managers, and Investors
In-house Counsel privilege
FAQ – Annual General Meetings in Start-Ups and SMEs under the New Swiss Corporate Law