Cinven and Ontario Teachers agree on an investment in group.ONE and dogado group combination
Niederer Kraft Frey advised international private equity firm Cinven and leading global investor Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan Board (“Ontario Teachers’”) on their investment in the combination of group.ONE and the dogado group.
On 5 November 2022, Cinven and Ontario Teachers’ have announced that the Seventh Cinven Fund, in partnership with Ontario Teachers, has agreed to acquire and combine group.ONE and dogado group. The combination of group.ONE and dogado group will create a diversified pan-European one-stop-shop provider of online presence solutions for small- and medium-sized enterprises and small-office home-offices including domain, web hosting, cloud hosting, business software and digital marketing services.
The NKF team was led by Corporate/M&A partner Andrea Giger, working with partner Philip Spoerlé (Corporate/M&A), counsel Janine Reudt-Demont (IP/IT), senior associate Katalin Siklosi (Corporate/M&A) and associates Benedikt Hadorn (Corporate/M&A) and Jamie Lee Mancini (Real Estate).