Patrik Peyer
Patrik Peyer is the co-head of NKF’s Corporate and M&A team. He is a corporate law specialist with a focus on complex M&A transactions, private equity, venture capital and corporate governance. He has broad experience in and a deep understanding of all phases of the private equity and venture capital investment life cycle. He provides innovative legal solutions to help companies of all sizes to achieve their commercial and growth objectives. Patrik was the managing partner of Niederer Kraft Frey from 2021 until 2024.
Deals & Cases
Practice Areas
Patrik Peyer’s expertise focuses on M&A transactions in the tech (including fintech) and life science industries. He advises investors, entrepreneurs and both domestic Swiss and international companies with operations in Switzerland throughout the entire life cycle of venture capital and private equity investments. Patrik has broad experience advising boards of directors and executive management teams on Corporate Governance and remuneration matters.
- Swiss counsel to Sportradar Group AG on the successful launch of its IPO and the start of trading on Nasdaq
- Counsel to SERgroup Holding International GmbH on the acquisition of Interact Digital AG
- Swiss counsel to the private equity investor Ardian on the acquisition of a majority stake in Swissbit Holding AG
- Counsel to Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan, Canada’s largest single-profession pension plan, on the purchase of 156,658 shares (2.85%) in Barry Callebaut AG
- Counsel to Lindsay Goldberg, a New York based private investment firm, on the acquisition of Bilcare Research Group
- Counsel to Boston Scientific Corporation, USA in its acquisition of the Swiss company Symetis SA for USD 435 million
- Pitfalls in carveouts in tech transactions by Patrik Peyer Round table moderator at the 8th Mergers and Acquisitions in the Technology Sector Conference, Geneva, 13-14 March 2025
- Mergers & Acquisitions: Switzerland 2024 by Patrik Peyer, Moritz Maurer, Morgan Boëffard in: In-Depth: Mergers & Acquisitions, Law Business Research, 21 November 2024
- Going public, staying private or selling by Patrik Peyer Round table moderator at the 7th Mergers and Acquisitions in the Technology Sector Conference, Barcelona, 14-15 March 2024
- Competition of legal forms – “GmbH vs. AG” by Patrick Peyer Conference host & Speaker at the 20th Zurich Corporate Law Conference of the European Institute of the University of Zurich, Zurich, 23 March 2023
- New Swiss Corporate Law – “Much ado about nothing”?, 2022 by Patrik Peyer Conference host & speaker at the 19th Zurich Corporate Law Conference of the European Institute of the University of Zurich, Zurich, 7 September 2022
- LexGTDT: Private Equity (Transactions) in Switzerland 2022 by Philippe Weber, Till Spillmann, Patrik Peyer and Daniela Schmucki in: Lexology Getting The Deal Through – Private Equity (Transactions) 2022, Law Business Research, 11 March 2022
- Start-up financing from a legal perspective, 2021 by Patrik Peyer Speaker at Venture Capital Webinar, Zurich, 28 April 2021
- Private Equity (Transactions) in Switzerland 2021 by Daniela Schmucki, Patrik Peyer, Philippe A. Weber, Till Spillmann in: Lexology Getting The Deal Through – Private Equity (Transactions), Law Business Research, April 2021
- Freedom of scope in Swiss Corporate law (Gestaltungsfreiheit im Aktienrecht), 2021 by Patrik Peyer Conference host & Speaker at the 18th Zurich Corporate Law Conference of the European Institute of the University of Zurich, Zurich, 30 March 2021
- Die wesentlichen Grundzüge des Gesellschaftsrechts, 2020 by Patrik Peyer Speaker at Executive MBA University of Zurich, Zurich, 7 November 2020
- Locking the Deal-making Gates: the world turns protectionist, 2020 by Patrik Peyer Speaker at IBA Webinar, 27 May 2020
- Private Equity (Transactions) in Switzerland 2020 by Daniela Schmucki, Patrik Peyer, Philippe A. Weber, Till Spillmann in: Lexology Getting The Deal Through – Private Equity (Transactions), Law Business Research, 11 May 2020
- Compensation Regulations, 2020 by Patrik Peyer Conference host & speaker at the 17th Zurich Corporate Law Conference of the European Institute of the University of Zurich, Zurich, 3 March 2020
- Private equity in Switzerland: market and regulatory overview, 2020 by Andreas Casutt, Patrik R. Peyer, Ulysses von Salis, Manuel Werder, Elga Reana Tozzi, Luca Bianchi and Roman Sturzenegger in: Practical Law/ Thomson Reuters, 1 March 2020
- International Redomiciliation of LLC, 2019 by Patrik Peyer, Roman Sturzenegger in: Theus Simoni/Hauser/Bärtschi (Hrsg.), Handbuch Schweizer GmbH-Recht, Basel 2019
- Corporate governance at state-backed companies, 2019 by Patrik Peyer Panel participant at the 6th Annual Corporate Governance Conference, Frankfurt, 5 December 2019
- Shareholders’ Agreements – A toolbox for corporate structuring, 2019 by Patrik Peyer Speech held at the STS Schweizerische Treuhänder Schule: Treuhand Intensiv, Zurich, 19 September 2019
- Employee Stock Option Plans for Start-up Companies, 2019 by Patrik Peyer Speech held at the SwissVC: Legal Best Practices Workshop, Zurich, 9 July 2019
- Legal challenge of corporate venturing, 2019 by Patrik Peyer Second SECA Venture Capital Workshop, Zurich, 25 May 2019
- Venture Capital Investments: How to get in? How to get out?, 2019 by Patrik Peyer Second SECA Venture Capital Workshop, Zurich, 24 May 2019
- When banks invest in FinTech start-ups: Legal challenges of corporate venturing, 2019 by Patrik Peyer Speech held at the FinTech-Event, Zurich, 9 May 2019
- Share deals vs asset deals in tech companies, 2019 by Patrik Peyer Round table moderator at the 4th Mergers and Acquisitions in the Technology Sector Conference, Barcelona, 28 March 2019
- The Shareholders’ Agreement, 2019 by Patrik Peyer Conference host & speaker at the 16th Zurich Corporate Law Conference of the European Institute of the University of Zurich, Zurich, 5 March 2019
- Traditional fundraising structures vs fundraising fashion trends, 2019 by Patrik Peyer Panel moderator at the 4th IBA Silicon Beach Conference, Santa Monica, 17 February 2019
- Private equity in Switzerland – market and regulatory overview, 2020 by Andreas Casutt, Patrik R. Peyer, Ulysses von Salis, Manuel Werder, Elga Tozzi, Luca Bianchi, Roman Sturzenegger in: Practical Law/ Thomson Reuters, 2020
- Venture Capital Investment: How to get in? How to get out?, 2018 by Patrik Peyer First SECA Venture Capital Workshop, Zurich, 25 May 2018
- How can you make your technology company sexy for potential buyers?, 2018 by Patrik Peyer Panel participation at the 3rd Mergers & Acquisition in the Technology Sector Conference, Barcelona, 23 February 2018
- Starter kit for start-ups – The suitable legal setting for your business idea, 2017 by Patrik Peyer Panel participation at the AIJA Half Year Conference, Riga, 18 May 2017
- M&A in financial distress, 2017 by Patrik Peyer Panel participation at the AIJA M&A Seminar (Unravelling the Ins and Outs of Restructuring), La Clusaz, 27 January 2017
- Challenges for venture capital investors in a digital world, 2017 by Patrik Peyer Roundtable moderation at the Worldwebforum, Zurich, 25 January 2017
- NKF Client News November 2016 (FinTech / Startups – Insights on a Success Story) by Patrik Peyer, Luca Bianchi in: Online Publication, 29 November 2016
- Private Equity in Switzerland: Market and regulatory overview, 2016/17 by Andreas Casutt, Patrik R. Peyer, Ulysses von Salis, Manuel Werder, Luca Bianchi, Rachid Ghazi, Roman Sturzenegger in: Practical Law Multi-jurisdictional Guide 2016/17 Private Equity and Venture Capital, Thomson Reuters (14 Pages; 4148 kb)
- Purchase price: Locked box vs. Closing accounts, 2016 by Patrik Peyer Speech held at the AIJA M&A Seminar (It’s all about money making and securing payments in M&A transactions), Budapest, 22 April 2016
- Exits: Single, double or triple track, 2016 by Patrik Peyer Panel participation at the AIJA M&A Seminar (Private equity masterclass), Corvara, 16 January 2016
- M&A transaction structuring, Panel moderation at the AIJA M&A Seminar (M&A reloaded: A comprehensive view of the M&A process), 2015 by Patrik Peyer Kitzbühel, 29 January 2015
- Voraussetzung der Sonderprüfung – Nachweis der vorgängigen Ausübung des Auskunfts- oder Einsichtsrechts, 2014 by Andreas Casutt, Patrik R. Peyer in: GesKR 1 (2015) 136 (Besprechung des Urteils 4A_319/2014 des schweizerischen Bundesgerichts vom 19. November 2014)
- Hauptaufgaben des Verwaltungsrats, 2014 by Patrik Peyer in: Fischer/Drenckhan/Gwelessiani/Theus Simoni (Hrsg.), Handbuch Schweizer Aktienrecht, Basel 2014
- Kommentar zu Art. 26 VegüV, 2014 by Andreas Casutt, Patrik Peyer in: Gerhard/Maizar/Spillmann/Wolf (Hrsg.), Vergütungsrecht der Schweizer Publikumsgesellschaften, GesKR-Kommentar zur VegüV, Zürich/St. Gallen 2014
- Schweizerisches Gesellschaftsrecht, Fragen und Antworten – Leading Cases, 2013 by Patrik Peyer, Christa-Maria Harder-Schuler 2. edition, Bern 2013
- New Swiss Rules to enhance Financial Stability of Banks – Capital Requirements; Recovery and Resolution Regime, 2012 by Peter R. Isler, Urs Pulver, Patrik Peyer in: Bankers’ Law, Volume 4 Number 4, p. 28-35
- Umsetzung des FINMA-Rundschreibens «Vergütungssysteme» bei Banken, Variable Vergütungen im Spannungsfeld zwischen Regulierung und Zivilrecht, 2011 by Patrik Peyer, Roland Schaub in: SJZ 107 (2011) Nr. 7, S. 149-158
- The Future of Private Banking in Switzerland – an Outlook from a legal Perspective, 2010 by Peter R. Isler, Patrik Peyer in: Bankers’ Law, Volume 3 Number 4, S. 30-32
- FINMA-Richtlinie stösst auf rechtliche Barrieren, Variable Vergütungen für den Finanzsektor stehen im Spannungsfeld zwischen Regulierung und Zivilrecht, 2010 by Patrik Peyer, Roland Schaub in: NZZ vom 4. Juni 2010 (Nr. 126)
- Besprechung von “Mario Marti, Aktienemission im Internet, Bern/Zürich 2008″ by Patrik Peyer in: SJZ 105 (2009) 305
- Das «vernünftige» Verwaltungsratsmitglied – oder der objektivierte Fahrlässigkeitsbegriff in der aktienrechtlichen Verantwortlichkeit, 2008 by Patrik Peyer in: Gaudenz G. Zindel/Patrik R. Peyer/Bertrand Schott (Hrsg.): Wirtschaftsrecht in Bewegung. Festgabe zum 65. Geburtstag von Peter Forstmoser, Zürich/St. Gallen 2008 und Zürich/Basel/Genf 2008, 102
- Vertretung der Aktiengesellschaft, Wirkung der Vertretungsmacht und einer Beschränkung der Vertretungsbefugnis (Besprechung des Urteils 4A_357/2007 des schweizerischen Bundesgerichts vom 8. April 2008) by Patrik Peyer in: GesKR 18 (2008) 382
- Die Einwirkung der Gesellschafterversammlung auf geschäftsführende Entscheide in der GmbH, 2007 by Peter Forstmoser, Patrik Peyer in: SJZ 103 (2007) S. 397 und S. 429-434
- Schweizerisches Gesellschaftsrecht, Fragen und Antworten – Leading Cases, Bern 2007 by Patrik Peyer, Christa-Maria Harder-Schuler
- Übungsbuch Obligationenrecht – Allgemeiner Teil, Zürich 2007 by Patrik Peyer, Michael Feit
- Vollstreckung unvertretbarer Handlungen und Unterlassungen, (Dissertation) by Patrik Peyer Zürich 2006
- Zur zunehmenden Bedeutung der Rechtsvergleichung als Hilfsmittel der Rechtsfindung by Patrik Peyer in: recht 22 (2004) 104
- International Bar Association IBA
- Swiss Bar Association
- Zurich Bar Association
Deals & Cases
AMNIS Treasury Services AG secures CHF 10m in Series B financing round to strengthen AMNIS’ posi…
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Nineteen NKF lawyers listed as “Thought Leaders Switzerland 2023” by Who’s Who Legal
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