Mirjam Vögeli advises high-net-worth individuals, families, and family offices on all aspects of estate and succession planning, including pre- and post-nuptial agreements, wills, succession pacts, estate division, and will execution, as well as on philanthropy and charitable foundations.
With extensive experience in Corporate Law and M&A, she brings deep expertise in business succession, family governance, and restructuring family enterprises, facilitating transitions of wealth between generations. Mirjam represents clients in both contentious and non-contentious matters.
Mirjam has been ranked in her working fields by Legal500, Chambers High Net Worth, and Private Client Global Elite.
Mirjam has profound legal knowledge and extensive practical experience in connection with advising and representing high net worth individuals, families, and family offices in national and cross-boarder matters relating to inheritance law, private wealth and estate planning as well as the execution of the division of estates.
Due to her many years of practice and expertise in the areas of M&A, corporate, commercial and contract law, her practice includes advising on and implementing corporate and business succession, family and corporate governance, and the reorganization of private companies and family-owned businesses.
Mirjam regularly advises and represents foundations and members of the board of foundations on all aspects of foundation law, in particular on issues related to the establishment and setting up of a foundation as well as to governance and best practices, reorganizations, or civil and regulatory liability issues. She chairs a Swiss charitable foundation.
Mirjam represents her clients in related proceedings before courts, supervisory and administrative authorities. In pre-litigation strategies, she also considers alternative dispute resolution options.
Selected examples of her work:
- Advising and representing heirs, communities of heirs or executors in the administration and settlement of complex estates (e.g. with companies and/or assets in different jurisdictions and/or cross-border matters) in the unbundling and division of estates considering inheritance, property and corporate law issues and in the implementation of the division of the estates.
- Advising and representing Swiss and foreign ultra-high and high net worth individuals and their companies in private wealth and estate planning (e.g. marriage and inheritance contracts, wills, transfer of assets to the next generation, cohabitation contracts) as well as in matters of adult protection law (e.g. advance directives and living wills), in particular in complex asset and family relationships.
- Advising and representing individuals and their companies in connection with the sale and purchase of shares or assets of a company, with mergers, demergers, asset transfers and liquidations of companies
- Advising and representing entrepreneurs, shareholders, boards of directors and companies in the area of national and cross-border corporate, commercial and contract law as well as in the legal structuring of the organization and corporate governance, including advice on shareholders’ agreements and shareholder loans.
- Advising and representing foundations, members of the board of foundations, and administrators on all aspects of foundation law (e.g. setting up foundations, amendments to foundation deeds, liquidations, development and implementation of new governance structures, liability issues, regulatory requirements, etc.).
- Die Erbunwürdigkeit – Ein schlummerndes Damoklesschwert? (The ineligibility to inherit – a dormant sword of Damocles?) in: TREX Der Treuhandexperte 2/2024, p. 106 ff.;
- Surrogacy and Travel Bans Speaker at the American Bar Association International Law Section Webinar, March 19 2024
- Die Erbunwürdigkeit (Unworthiness to inherit) Speaker at the 20th Zurich Annual Conference on International Trust and Inheritance Law Practice, Europa Institute of the University of Zurich, 1 November 2023
- Die zivilrechtliche Haftung von Stiftungsorganen (The civil liability of foundation bodies) Speaker at the Europa Institute of the University of Zurich, 29 September 2022
- Erbrechtsrevision – Soll ich ein bestehendes Testament oder einen bestehenden Erbvertrag anpassen? Die erste Etappe der Erbrechtsrevision tritt am 1. Januar 2023 in Kraft. Dieser Newsletter zeigt die wichtigsten Änderungen per 1. Januar 2023 auf und was diese Änderungen für Sie und Ihre bestehenden Testamente und Erbverträge bedeuten. Zum Abschluss folgt ein Ausblick auf die nächste Erbrechtsrevisionsetappe.
- Inheritance law revision – Should I adapt an existing will or inheritance contract? The first stage of the inheritance law revision will come into force on 1st January 2023. This newsletter highlights the most important changes as of 1st January 2023 and what these changes mean for you and your existing wills and inheritance contracts. Finally, there is an outlook on the next inheritance law revision stage.
- Stiftungsvermögen und Nachhaltigkeit – rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen (Foundation assets and sustainability – legal frame work) Speaker on an event for members of a foundation board, Bern, 28 October 2021
- Die Abwägung von Chancen und Risiken bei der Beurteilung von Geschäftsentscheiden (Weighing up opportunities and risks when assessing business decisions) in: Gedenkschrift für Claire Huguenin, Dike Verlag 2020
- Die VegüV in Kollision mit ausländischem Arbeitsrecht (The Minder-Ordinance in conflict with foreign labour law) in: Festschrift für Wolfgang Portmann, Schulthess 2020
- Rechtsfolgen einer mangelhaften Delegation von Geschäftsführungsaufgaben in einer Verantwortlichkeitsklage (Legal consequences of an incorrect delegation of management duties in liability claims) in: Weber/Stoffel/Chenaux/Sethe (Hrsg.), Aktuelle Herausforderungen des Gesellschafts- und Finanzmarktrechts, Festschrift für Hans Caspar von der Crone zum 60. Geburtstag, Zürich 2017, S. 221 ff. (33 Pages; 767 kb) (vgl.–und-Finanzmarktrechts)
- Klage des Gesellschaftsgläubigers gegen Verwaltungsräte bei gleichzeitig unmittelbarem Schaden bei ihm und der Gesellschaft (Action by the company creditor against directors in case of simultaneous direct damage to him and the company) Besprechung von BGer 4A_428/2014 vom 12. Januar 2015 (BGE 141 III 112) in: ius.focus 2015 Nr. 66
- Auflösung einer Aktiengesellschaft aus wichtigen Gründen (Winding up of a joint stock company for good cause) Besprechung von BGer 4A_164/2011 vom 10. November 2011, in: ius.focus 2012 Nr. 12
- Association Internationale des Jeunes Avocats (AIJA); Vice-President of the AIJA International Private Clients and Family Law Commission (since 2023); Member of the Executive Committee
- ZAV Zurich Bar Association
- SAV Swiss Bar Association