Luca Kenel is an Associate in the Dispute Resolution team. He focuses on complex dispute resolution and international commercial arbitration. He also represents clients in administrative and criminal proceedings and advises them in various areas of corporate and commercial law. During his PhD Luca worked as a research and teaching assistant at a Chair for Corporate and Accounting Law at the University of Basel and as a Junior Academic Visitor at the Commercial Law Centre of the University of Oxford.
My Publications
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- Gläubigerinformation im Aktienrecht; unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Publizitätsvor-schriften des Rechnungslegungsrechts in: Schweizer Schriften zum Handels- und Wirtschaftsrecht (SSHW), Bd. 352, Zürich/St. Gallen 2021
- Die Publizität der Rechnungslegung im internationalen Vergleich in: Jung Peter, Krauskopf Frédéric, Cramer Conradin (Hrsg.), Theorie und Praxis des Unternehmensrechts; Festschrift zu Ehren von Lukas Handschin, Zürich/Basel/Genf 2020, S. 391 ff.
- Keine Rechtsmittel gemäss Art. 165 HRegV gegen reine Vollzugshandlungen des Handelsre-gisteramtes; Besprechung von BGer 4A_392/2020 vom 27. August 2020 in: ius.focus 2020
- Gründe für die Einsetzung eines Sachwalters bei Organisationsmängeln in der Aktiengesell-schaft; Besprechung von BGer 4A_380/2020 vom 25. August 2020 in: ius.focus 2020
- Switzerland Temporarily Modifies the Duty to Trigger Insolvency Proceedings During The Covid-19 Pandemic in: University of Oxford Business Law Blog (OBLB), 05/2020
- Presentation of PhD thesis “Creditor Information in Limited Liability Companies” at Commercial Law Centre, University of Oxford, 11/2019
- Entire Agreement Clause; Die Wirkungen der Entire Agreement Clause im Schweizer Recht in: Sutter Somm Thomas (ed.), Impulse zur praxisorientierten Rechtswissenschaft (Imprax), Zürich/Basel/Genf, 05/2018
- Presentation of PhD thesis “Transparency towards creditors in Swiss corporate law” at Tsukuba University of Tokyo, 05/2018
Admitted to the Bar (Attorney-at-law)
PhD in Law (Dr. iur.), University of Basel
Junior Academic Visitor, Harris Manchester College, University of Oxford
Master of Law (summa cum laude), University of Basel
Bachelor of Law (summa cum laude), University of Basel
- Swiss Bar Association
- Zurich Bar Association
- Association Suisse de droit du sport ASDS
- Verein PRO IURE Basel
Associate, Niederer Kraft Frey
Junior Associate, Niederer Kraft Frey
Junior Associate with an international law firm in Switzerland
Research and Teaching Assistant at the chair of Prof. Dr. Lukas Handschin in the field of corporate and accounting law