Current status of measures affecting liquidity regarding direct federal tax, withholding tax, stamp duties and social insurance to cushion the economic consequences of the spread of the coronavirus
by Markus E. Kronauer, Gregor Lichtenthäler
To cushion the economic consequences of the spread of the coronavirus, the Swiss Federal Council approved a comprehensive package of measures worth CHF 32 billion on 20 March 2020. With the CHF 10 billion granted on 13 February 2020, and the decision on 25 March 2020 to grant CHF 20 billion in loans with joint and several guarantees from the Confederation, a total of more than CHF 60 billion is now available to provide targeted assistance to affected sectors and individuals, if necessary.
Through the ordinance that came into force on 21 March 2020 on the temporary waiver of default interest in the event of late payment of taxes, incentive taxes and customs duties, and the waiver of loan repayments by the Swiss Society for Hotel Credit (SR 641.207.2), the Federal Council also created the legal basis for reducing the economic consequences of the spread of the coronavirus in the area of taxes.
In general, all authorities have communicated a strong desire that the measures will be implemented swiftly and applied in an uncomplicated manner in order to improve the economic situation in Switzerland. The authorities are also constantly working on the adoption of new measures. We are therefore pleased to inform you in the following about the current status of measures affecting liquidity regarding direct federal tax, withholding tax, stamp duties and social insurance. (Status as of 09.04.2020, 11 am)